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Baptism Retreat


Contact:  Rev. William F. Laird

(585) 229-5007

Catholic Godparent Information

  • Must be at least 16 years old

  • Must be a fully initiated Catholic: having received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist

  • Must lead an active life of faith that is in accord with their commitment as a Godparent

  • Godparent must not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized, since they already have their responsibilities to the child

  • A witness for Jesus and willing to share their faith with Jesus with your child.



Only One Catholic Godparent is needed for a child. 

A Proxy may stand-in for a Catholic Godparent who can't attend.


A Baptized non-Catholic may participate as a "Christian Witness", but can NOT be officially listed as a Catholic Godparent in the parish Sacramental Registry. 

Sacrament of Initiation
Baptism is the 1st of 7 Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. 
Baby Baptism Ceremony

"This Christian Community welcomes you with great joy. In its name, I claim you for Christ, Our Savior, by the Sign of the Cross." 

Baptism General Information

Baptism, the door to life and to the kingdom of God, is the first sacrament, which Christ offered to all, that they might have eternal life. He entrusted this sacrament and the Gospel to his Church, when he told his apostles: "God, make disciples of all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Baptism is the sacrament by which its recipients are incorporated into the Church. Baptism, the cleansing with water by the power of God, washes away every stain of sin and makes us sharers in God's own life and his adopted children.


God has gifted you with this precious new life. As parents you have brought this child to the Church to ask for the sacrament of baptism. It is the beginning of your child's relationship with Christ Jesus. By your demonstrated relationship with Jesus, your child will continue to grow in God's love and grow close to Christ throughout his or her life. Sts. Mary and Matthew welcome you and your child to our family of God and are here to support you and your child as members of this community.

All adult Catholics (21+) must be registered in a Catholic parish. To register to become a parishioner at either St. Mary's or St. Matthew click here

If you are new to our faith community OR if this is your first child, you must participate in a Baptism Preparation Program offered at Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community. You can attend before the birth of your child or after the child's birth. Please call either Parish Office for more information.

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