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Contact:  Rev. William F. Laird

(585) 346-3815


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Rite of Christian Iniation for Adults

  • Are you interested in exploring the Catholic faith?
  • Is someone you know interested in exploring the Catholic Faith?
  • Do you desire Baptism, First Communion, and/or Confirmation?

Roman Catholics believe a person's spiritual journey must begin with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Adults: Ages 18 and older prepare for the Catholic Baptism and other Sacraments, through this process called "The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults"


Children: Ages 7 through 17 prepare for a Catholic Baptism through the process called "The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC)"


The Christian initiation process is not a program. Programs have a fixed length of time and a determined course of studies. No one can "program" the Holy Spirit as the Spirit moves individuals to conversion; each person's conversion journey is unique.


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