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Contact Jeanette Housecamp

Director of Faith Formation/Youth Ministry

(585) 346-3815


Sacrament of First Eucharist

2nd grade and above, having completed one year of Faith Formation prior to preparation for the Sacrament and have received Sacrament of Reconciliation, typically in the Fall.


The program utilizes the Together in Jesus:First Eucharist text by Pflaum, an approved USCCB text.


$25 Material Fee per Sacrament Prep program.


*As always, if the material fee is a hardship for your family, please contact Jeanette to work something out

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Diocese of Rochester
Sacrament Preparation Guidelines(Updated July 2015)

Children are to be enrolled and consistently participating in a Faith Formation program (or attending Catholic school) for one year prior to immediate preparation (1st grade) and throughout the year during preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (2nd grade).

First Reconciliation will be celebrated before celebrating First Eucharist. First Reconciliation has been permanently moved to the Fall to accommodate this guideline.


In accordance with Diocesan Policy, children are encouraged to prepare for the Sacrament of First Eucharist as they near the age of seven in 2nd grade.  Students must complete one full year of Faith Formation or Catholic School the year immediately prior to the year she/he prepares to receive the Sacrament and during their preparatory year. 

It is the primary duty of parents, and those who take the place of parents, the Pastor and Catechist to help our students prepare for this Sacrament.  It is expected that the family will attend Mass on a regular basis.

Candidates for First Eucharist will have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving First Eucharist.  Our candidates will receive First Eucharist within the Easter season.

Preparation will include opportunities to participate in the whole Eucharistic Rite as the central act of worship; understanding the reverent reception of both the Body (consecrated) Host and Precious Blood; a deepening awareness of the activity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in our lives; the gifts of Jesus in his life, death and resurrection and an understanding of the Church’s faith in Christ’s continued Presence in the Eucharist, as well as in the Christian assembly and his Word.


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