Seeks to strengthen the spiritual lives of men in our Faith Community through service and fellowship. This fellowship is open to all men of the faith community. Men's Group meets monthly on Wednesday nights for a pass the dish supper.

Men’s Group
Per Adamson: persvenadamson@gmail.com or (585)509-4492
Paul Maginn: pmaginn131@gmail.com or (585)261-1489

Lynn Maginn: lmaginn813@gmail.com or (585)261-1327
Support, affirm and strengthen the women in our Faith Community through prayer, faith, friendship, and service.
This fellowship group is open to all women of the Faith Community.
Women’s Group
St. Mary's Parish Life Committee is the life of the party. This group plans social activities open to our parishioners and beyond. Activities include St. Patrick's Day Party, Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ, Tailgate/Chili Party, and the free Community Thanksgiving Dinner held annually on the Sunday before Thanksgiving
St. Mary's
Parish Life Committee
​Coffee hours are held at both parishes after Sunday Mass. Coffee hours are usually held once a month.
St. Matthew:
Melissa Szczesniak: melissa.szczesniak@dor.org or (585)346-3815
St. Mary’s:
St. Mary's Office: hstmaryo@dor.org or (585)229-5007

Faith Community
Coffee Hours
St. Mary’s Comfort Quilters meet twice a month, September through June on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, to make lap quilts. These quilts are then distributed to parishioners and others with extended illnesses as well as various organization, such as Ontario County Catholic Charities.


Hearts & Hands Knitting Group
Members use their time and talent to prayerfully create and make shawls, blankets, hats, mittens, etc. at St. Matthew to be given to our friends in need throughout the area. These items can also be made at home and donated to the ministry.