What is Pastoral Ministry?
God created human beings for relationship with God and with one another. God continues in relationship with creation by remembering us. Human care and community are possible because of our being held in God's memory. How we live out that care is Pastoral Ministry
Join A Pastoral Ministry!
Check out our ministries below

St. Mary's Office (585) 229-5007
St. Matthew Office (585) 346-3815
“Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home.” Luke 10:38
​Volunteers in this ministry, named for Jesus’ friend Martha, provide hospitality to families who grieve the death of a loved one. With Martha’s welcoming spirit, volunteers prepare a luncheon for families and friends after the funeral Mass. There are several ways to volunteer:
Provide a salad, side dish or dessert.
Assist with set-up and/or clean-up
Help with on-site food preparation and serving during the luncheon.
Be a team leader or create a team of your own with family and friends.
St. Mary's: Penny Gardner, Martha Ministry Coordinator
gardner.penny49@gmail.com (585)363-3154
St. Matthew : Cathy Schwalenstocker,
Martha Ministry Coordinator

Martha Ministries
Christ calls us to care for and visit the sick.
​General Patient Information: The family needs to contact the pastor through either parish office if a loved one would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick either at home or in the hospital/nursing facility.
​HOME VISITORS: Would you like to visit the sick/frail in their home and bring communion, prayer and well-wishes from our
Faith Cmmunity? Visits can be weekly, twice a month or monthly according to mutual agreement between the visitor and the person in need. Training and materials are provided.
NURSING FACILITY VISITORS: Would you like to visit the sick/frail in local nursing facilities? Visits can be scheduled at your convenience and that of the facility. Training and materials are provided.
St. Matthew Office - (585) 346-3815
St. Mary's Office - (585) 229-5007

Visitation Ministry

Seeds of Love
Community Clothing Closet
Our Faith Community Clothing Closet Ministry provides clothes and linens free of charge. The clothing closet is open for business every Friday from 10 am to 12 pm and again from 6 pm to 8 pm and Saturday 10am-12pm. We accept donations of seasonal clothing and linens at times when the closet is open.
If you are interested in joining this rewarding ministry, please call Diane Brewer-Hawes at 585-259-6187 or email
dbrewerhawes@gmail.com with questions or to volunteer.