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The Seven Sacraments of a Catholic Life

The sacraments are sacred rituals, in which God's grace is instilled by the Holy Spirit.

Baby Baptism Ceremony
Baby Baptism Ceremony
Sacrament of Initiation

Baptism makes one a Child of God, an Heir of Heaven, a Disciple of Christ, and a member of the Roman Catholic Church.

Sacrament of Healing
 First Reconciliation

 This sacrament focuses on recognizing the need for forgiveness while also exploring the meaning of the symbols, gestures, prayers, and Scriptures.

First Eurcharist
Girl at First Communion
Sacrament of Initiation
 First Eucharist
Children are encouraged to prepare for the Sacrament of First Eucharist as they near the age of seven.  Students must complete one full year of Faith Formation or Catholic School the year immediately prior to the year she/he prepares to receive the Sacrament. 
Girl Holding BIble
Sacrament of Initiation

“The most important influence on the religious and spiritual lives of adolescents is their parents.”

Soul Searching by Christian Smith 

Rings on Hands
Sacrament of Commitment


Marriage, the "covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life ..."


Sacrament of Commitment
Holy Orders


Vocations Prayer

Lord, let me know clearly the work you are calling me to do.  Grant me the grace and generosity I need to answer your call with courage and love, for to do your will is my joy and my peace.  Amen.

Holy Orders
Anointing of the sick
Christian Rosary Beads
Sacrament of Healing 
Anionting of the Sick

The Sacrament of the "Anointing of the Sick" is a healing encounter with the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

It can be administered for any spiritual, emotional or physical healing and for inner strength during illness or at any difficult time in life.

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